360 Worship

Worship from every direction

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Gifts are the Reason - Theme

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Part 1 can be found here.

Let me start off by submitting the importance of a Theme. Having a clearly defined theme will help you promote your event as well as help your congregation clearly understand your message.

So it's Christmas time and you are going to do "Christmas Stuff" in your service(s).  Well... that's pretty broad and general.  I'd ask what specific aspect of Christmas can you focus on and build a theme around. If you don't have this theme clearly defined I suggest you get this plan solid before your layout your services. It will make for a more memorable and effective day.

We took a different than usual approach with Gifts are the Reason for the Season.  We have all heard that phrase Jesus is the reason for the season and we have totally messed with that phrase. We have 2 clear points to make in this sermon series.

#1 Don't replace Christ (& other things that have true meaning) with material gain (Gifts).
#2 God has given the gift of eternal life (John 3:16) through Christ. There are many other Gifts that God gives us through Christ. These are gifts and not something we have earned.

Here is a Video we are using to promote the event. The views of Black Friday shopping juxtaposed with Josh Groban's O Come all Ye Faithful is chilling. It also plays into the theme of Gifts.

  • Do you have theme for this holiday season? If so what is it?


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