360 Worship

Worship from every direction

Thursday, July 7, 2011

What is success? Part 1

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Have you ever felt unsuccessful in ministry because you were pursuing things that didn't equal success? 

Have you ever tried to emulate someone else's success, rather than define your own success?

Success is something we all want. Right? I mean if you don't want success there is something really REALLY wrong with you.

I struggled with success in ministry. I went to conferences and read a lot of books and I learned a lot of great info... But I would still struggle and never "felt" successful.

I'd work harder. I'd study new concepts. I'd practice my guts out. I would still struggle. I'd ask myself "why can't I succeed?"

Things changed when I started asking a simple question. I started asking "what is success?"

This sounds kind of thick headed I'm sure. I was trying to do everything in front of me and do everything at a high level of excellence. I would look at other churches and see what they were doing and I thought... "Well, that my must be what I should be doing.  If I do that as good as they do it, then that must mean I have success."

I was running after success, yet I had never defined success. I had never asked what success looks like for me, my family, my team, my church, my church staff... Can you see how big of a problem this is? Can you imagine this frustration?

When you define what a successful worship service looks like it brings focus and simplifies your workload..

I sat down to define what a successful service looked like... I'll talk about that in PART 2.  Also check out PART 3.

Do you have an answer for me?

Have you ever felt unsuccessful in ministry because you were pursuing things that didn't equal success? 

Have you ever tried to emulate someone elses success, rather than define your own success?


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