360 Worship

Worship from every direction

Saturday, July 13, 2013

Gospel vs a Broken World - George Zimmerman Trayvon Martin Verdict

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The verdict has just been announced in the Zimmerman Martin murder trial. Social media is revealing the unrest and hurt.  Our legal system has offered a verdict but that really hasn't fixed anything has it? I think one would be naive to believe an opposite verdict would have repaired the breach.

I think this is the issue, not just this court ruling, but EVERY issue we face in this world.

We live in a hateful broken world.

There was this guy named Jesus that told us about this upside down kingdom where people would pray for their enemies, forgive their debtors, turn the other cheek, love unconditionally beyond action, race, or social status, where every hair of the head is counted and every sparrow that falls is remembered, where every tear will be wiped away, and where redemption is free and available to all.

Take a moment and decide which world you want to live in.


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