360 Worship

Worship from every direction

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Pinterest is about lifestyle... What is the church about?

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I have been studying up on PINTEREST lately.  I read an informative e-book by Hubspot and found this quote that I felt was important... not just for pinterest... but for leading the church in this decade.

"Succeeding on Pinterest is
about finding how your products
or services fit into the lifestyles
of your target audience."

It was a read the handwriting on the wall moment.. (not that I was suddenly attacked by a Persian army - A little Belshazzar humor) but that, what was being offered was bigger than the latest and greatest social media platform.  Success in this decade is about fitting into the lifestyles of our audience...

Our world has changed.  Thriving companies aren't selling product by highlighting the value of the product, instead they are selling the product's function within the lifestyle of consumers. 

This should be the church's focus and it was in the 1st century book of Acts church. The product - Jesus -  fit into the lifestyle of the target audience.  Seeking peace in your lifestyle? - Here's Jesus. Hope and Love? - Try Jesus. Looking for true meaning to this life? - Here ya go... Jesus!

Strange enough... Over time our product has become religion and it doesn't fit the lifestyle of the target audience....  In fact to receive Religion our audience must fit into our religious lifestyle.  Much worse - the only way someone would try to fit into a lifestyle they don't want is out of fear...  and boy does religion have an endless supply of fear.

As I was trying to figure out Pinterest I found myself asking a bigger question...  
  • How does my ministry, how does the church, how does our church's makeup and culture fit into the lifestyles of our target audience?  
  • Is the church I'm working in actually fitting into the lifestyles of the people that attend?
  • Is my product Jesus or religion?
I'll worry about pinterest another day... Let's reshape some church culture first.


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