360 Worship

Worship from every direction

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Fun in Church - Lyrical Love Game

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How valuable is fun?

We recently took some risk at Redemption with our current sermon series Gospel Of Love. We added a 5 minute segment to our service that has zero... zip... no spiritual value.  Why would we do that some might wonder...  Simple.
#1 It's fun.
#2 While it doesn't specifically honor God... it doesn't dishonor Him.
#3 It changes things up.
We thought those 3 things were worth the risk.

What we did was called the Lyrical Love Game...

It is basically our take on the show Don't Forget The Lyrics.  Our Youth Pastor comes out like a cheesy game show host with a theme song blaring and gets 3 volunteers to play the game.  We then play a short clip of a well known LOVE SONG where our volunteer has to sing the next lyric. If they get it right everyone cheers and we give them a starbuck gift card. If they don't get it everyone goes "Ooooohhhhh I can't believe you didn't know that...." etc.

So... did you know this one?

We borrowed the old theme song from Win Lose or Draw.

What we have learned doing this Lyrical Love Game the past 2 weeks...  We thought this would be a simple way to build some excitement for our series... but really even more than that it is reminding us the importance of fun.  Churches can forget to have fun.  They could programmed against fun.  This series has changed the expectations of everyone in the room.  At first we could see a few people looking around, almost to say "is this ok?  I mean... they're playing Journey at Church."

They had a notion of what church should be and we were shaking things up.  I think that is a good thing.

Once it was "All Shook Up" - Elvis reference intended - We opened up the word of God and watched Spiritual life tranformation take place.

  • What are some ways you bring an element of Fun into your services?


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