What's better than a warm bowl of Campbell's Soup? Not sure of what's better... but I guarantee this is WORSE!

God is Good. On this we agree... However it's seems ridiculous to compare His goodness to a soup manufacturer... What do you think?
Oddly enough... I'm hungry for some chicken noodle... and some more Terrible Singing

God is Good. On this we agree... However it's seems ridiculous to compare His goodness to a soup manufacturer... What do you think?
It's hard to believe this went down in a church...
but it did...
It's hard to believe the people, especially the leadership, of the church would have encouraged it...
but they did...
It's hard to believe this lady thought it would honor God or edify people...
but she did...
Oddly enough... I'm hungry for some chicken noodle... and some more Terrible Singing
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