360 Worship

Worship from every direction

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Momentum Killers

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I love Momentum! 
I love it when things are buzzing right along. These times are great! The church is growing and people are excited and it's really a lot of fun.... BUT *Screeching Tire Sound Effect*

Sometimes Momentum isn't there...
Sometimes it feels like we are standing still...
...And that doesn't feel great. 

Don't jump off a cliff. Take the noose from around your neck. Put the gun down. Losing Momentum is not the end of the world...

Instead of mourning the loss of momentum, learn about what killed the momentum...

Un-Focused Direction and Decisions - Everyone pulling and pushing in different directions is confusing. Perhaps everyone is doing a bunch of WHAT and not knowing the WHY.  The WHY brings us back to a focus and focused effort brings momentum.

Lack of Innovation - When momentum has flat lined it could be that it is (past) time to do something new. The work it takes to do something new often brings it's own momentum. Innovation requires engaged thinking, effective communication, and energy. Those are 3 things that can fuel momentum.

Not Celebrating Victories - When you feel like there is no momentum, you need to stop and look around. I guarantee there IS an area that has some momentum that you have overlooked.  Go embrace that momentum!  Go celebrate that victory. It's kinda funny, but simply celebrating the Good that is going on around us is often a momentum builder.

What are some things that Kill your Momentum?


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