360 Worship

Worship from every direction

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Do you write?

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Whenever I meet with someone who leads worship within their church, I always ask if they are writing any songs for their church. When they tell me "no I'm not"  I get really adamant and try my best to encourage them to start.

In my opinion, writing for your local church is one of the greatest ways to address the culture of your church.  

Think about this... we are always looking for the latest, greatest worship song. Looking for one that we think our church will like and will encourage worship. We are the ones looking for these songs becuase it is our job and we, working in our local church, should know what would fit our culture, vibe, energy, mission etc. WAKE UP!

You work in this Church. You know it's core values and culture! You should have a pretty good idea on where the church needs to be heading!  Why don't you write a song that encompasses this? Trust me! It's a lot easier to write a song like this than to find one like this.

Our Church recently took to getting our congregation to memorize scripture. (Read about it here)  I saw this as a cultural shift that I as worship pastor wanted to embrace and support. So I took our scripture passage and wrote a song based on it. It has helped our congregation learn this scripture passage. We even have some people deciding to be baptized since learning this scripture on being buried with Christ through Baptism.

I couldn't find a song that said what I needed to say to my church. I couldn't find a song that put the vocabulary, the principles, the understanding...  So I wrote one that did.

I believe that no one knows your church better than you. I believe that no one else is as intimately aware about the needs and direction of your church as you are. I believe your congregation trusts you and will follow you and support you. I believe they will give voice to your words. I believe God will give you the words to say.

You are a leader for a reason. Go lead. Go write.


Matthew Wolfe said...

Love it! Will think about this :)

ChrisFluitt said...

Thanks for the Comment Matthew!
I hope you will write songs that bless your local Church.

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