360 Worship

Worship from every direction

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Obstacles - Time Money People

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What is your obstacle?
Obstacle - A thing that blocks one's way or prevents or hinders progress.

Every person, every church, every organization and team has something hindering them. An obstacle to overcome.

You can boil most obstacles down to 1 of 3 things. We need More Time, More Money, or More People!

I  Need More Time
This one is tough because you can't add time to your life or minutes to your day. You have to better use your time.  If you are using time management to the fullest and still don't have enough time...

Here's what you do...
Call on Money or People or both!
Use money to help you speed up the work flow.
Use people to help get the job done.

Warning! Large Obstructive Exclamation Point ahead!
I Need More Money
If you need more money you can cut spending here or there. You can better manage the money you do have, but if that's still not enough...

Call on Time and People or both!
Use time to bring in more money.
Use people to bring in money. (This could even mean letting staff go to cut salary expense. Not fun but sometimes necessary)

I Need More People
If you need more people to get the job done you can try to get more done with less, but if that's not enough...

Call on Time and Money or both!
Use time training people.
Use money to hire people.

As for me my largest obstacle is Time. Being a new dad and watching the 1 year old during the day while my wife is at work has not been easy to manage time wise. I am in the process of redefining my daily routine to better use the time I have. I'm also looking to the people around me to lighten my work load. Perhaps train some people so I can delegate some responsibilities.

 What about you?
Answer our Poll question. (On the right side of the screen)
What is the biggest obstacle to you or your team right now? Time, Money, or People?

Let us know what is going on in your world. Leave us a comment and tell us about your obstacles.


2fluitts said...

My biggest obstacle is also time. We can make more money (not always easy but at least possible) we can find more help (not always easy but at least possible) but we can't make more time. All we can do is better manage what is already there. How much we get done in a 24 hour period is up to our management skills.

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