360 Worship

Worship from every direction

Monday, June 13, 2011

5000 pounds of Influence

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Influence is often misunderstood. Last week I saw a powerful picture of influence. It caught me off guard.

I recently volunteered time at a small community Garden in the Pleasant Grove area, South East Dallas. It's a fairly economically depressed area. I drove up to this older, smallish looking Episcopal Church called Church of Our Savior.

It's an old church that has been through a lot. The people there are wonderful, but like most things judged by the cover, you would probably pass this church without thinking twice.  There is no jumbo tron marque. There is no flashy facility. There is not huge family life center.

They don't have those things, but they do have a garden! This small garden fits on an unused piece of the small church property. I was amazed when I heard this stat about this garden.

This garden produces over 5000 pounds of food each year!

Please take a moment and think about the significance of 5000 pounds of food going to shelters and food pantries. This church, that happens to average about 25 people in weekly worship services, feeds a lot of hungry people in the name of Christ!

This challenged my heart! No matter your size you can have HUGE INFLUENCE! No matter your budget you can have HUGE INFLUENCE! No matter your name recognition you can have HUGE INFLUENCE.

Influence is not about size, money or clout! Influence is about PEOPLE!

The people of Church of Our Savior aren't trying to raise money, build a name for themselves, or be the latest greatest trendy church. They are simply trying to help people in the Name of Christ!

That, my friends is what the Church of Jesus should be doing. That is true lasting Influence, and any of us can start today!

You don't have to be a Mega Church to influence people!
You don't have to sell a million albums to influence people!
You don't have to be talented, rich, or good looking!
You just have to affect people...
You can help my friends by voting for their Garden!  Please vote and tell others!
This Community Garden has a chance to receive a cash prize from Organic Gardening Magazine. They need your vote!


Deaux said...

Well done. Also, your sermon yesterday KILLED.

ChrisFluitt said...

Thank you Scott. I really appreciate that.

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